If you are anything like me, you love a good designer handbag but don’t want to pay full price. As I have gotten a little savvier with my shopping habits (just a little, I promise), I’ve been more about quality over quantity. When Trendlee recently reached out to me to collaborate with them, I was excited because A) love authentic designer bags and B) love finding them affordably. Upon reviewing the site, I was pleasantly surprised with the wide selection of bags (too many for me to narrow down honestly) and the pricing was very reasonable. My top pick was this gorgeous red YSL Sac du Jour. This bag was buttery soft and in great condition, like new, when I received it. I have been wearing it with everything! Another one of my favorites was this Prada Lux Double Zip Tote.
If you are still looking for some last minute gifts or simply want to give Trendlee a try and feel free to treat yourself to an extra 5% off using code: LOVELYINLA Also, they hide 5 gift cards per week on the site so pop on over for an additional bonus!
This post was possible in collaboration with Trendlee. As always all opinions are my own.
I am obsessed with Trendlee now….. I want that bag!!!
LOL yes, I feel you! I am too!!
Seriously need this bag!!! I checked it out what a great price!!!!
Too cute!!! Now I just need it in gray!!
Yes, the GRAY is the one I want next!!!
This red colored bag pops with your outfit. I will definitely be checking their website to see if I can find the hidden gift cards!
Thank you! Yes, its definitely worth checking out the site for that bonus!!!