Do the braid
This is just the basics of braiding. If you know these 8 basic braids, you can do billions of differend hairstyles. Here’s a roundup, from top to bottom, left to right. There’s always a link to a basic tutorial and then a few links to hairstyles you can do with that type of braid.
1. Regular, 3-strand braid
basic tutorial // sidebraid // milkbraid
2. 4-strand braid
basic tutorial // with a scarf
3. Rope braid
basic tutorial // french rope // bun // twisted rope braid wrap-around
4. French braid
basic tutorial // upside down // to the side // bangs
5. Fishtail braid
basic tutorial // french fishtail
6. 5-strand braid
basic tutorial // braid in braid
7. Dutch braid
basic tutorial // bangs // wrap-around // up-do
8. Waterfall braid
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