You know I am always on the lookout for fresh new fashion finds and brand launches. So when I was recently perusing the new app, THE YES, I discovered that LA cool girl brand Staud now has plus sizes available on their site. Now, this is news to me because STAUD decided to quietly roll out clothing in extended sizes with their Spring ‘21 collection without any press release. Since there is quite a bit of disparity in the offerings of plus sizes versus straight size brands, a collection release like this would typically generate quite a bit of buzz in the plus size community. However, I scoured the internet and it seems like nothing has been said about the new size offerings from STAUD.
Now, this could be happening for several reasons. One, the retailer may be waiting to have more offerings in their extended size collection. I combed through many of the styles below and while I am excited about this launch I felt a bit underwhelmed. Secondly, they could be trying to avoid backlash from the plus size community. Many brands have started to offer extended sizes because it’s trendy. The plus community has often rightfully called brands out for jumping on the bandwagon after ignoring them for so long.

Unfortunately the silent launch route that brands often take can be problematic for several reasons. Firstly, if sales fall short of expectations, brands often swiftly cut their plus size offerings. Many times they claim that the customer just wasn’t there and they close up shop. Secondly, without involving the community (influencers, press outlets, plus size stylists etc.) brands are missing out on word of mouth marketing. Which, in the plus size community is EVERYTHING. Lastly, brands need to realize that this customer has been ignored for so long and it some times takes longer for them to develop a relationship to the brand. We have to know that brands care and will actually dedicate the time needed to create stylish and well fitted clothing.

So, it remains to be seen if Staud will formally announce their extended sizes or if they will quietly fly under the radar. I am hoping that they announce their extended sizes so that the plus community can shop their offerings. What are your thoughts on this quiet release of Staud’s extended size line? I will be posting on my Instagram reels some thoughts about this later.
xoxo ~ Lovely in LA
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