I have been working with Gwynnie Bee for some time now as you may have seen. There are so many great things about the service but I really love the fact that I can try new things, wear them for an event and just simply return them in my prepaid envelope.
For example, I rocked this black Rachel Roy sheath dress with my pink leather jacket and booties for a dinner. The next day I simply put it in its prepaid postage envelope and sent it back.
Of course if I love something like this Delfine Sweater which paired perfectly with my new boots and skinny jeans for fall, I can simply keep the item and purchase it or decide to wear a few more times then return. Seriously its that simple.
Gwynnie Bee is great for carrying new brands or items that you may not otherwise take a chance trying. I love Rachel Roy and that is one of the brands they carry but I wasn’t sure how I would like this long bomber jacket. Turns out I loved it but the nice thing is if for some reason I hadn’t there is no investment on my part, I simply return it!
I really encourage you to give Gwynnie Bee at try if you haven’t already. This is a sponsored post but I have continued my relationship with them for quite a few years now because I really believe this can be a great service for anyone!
I really love this idea and not having to deal with doing laundry is totally fine with me!